Thursday, February 9, 2012

My bad...

So, it's been awhile. This was bound to happen, karma for my constant harassment of others for not updating their own blogs as frequently as I wanted. What can I say, I've been busy with work and le me just say, it's hard to write a food blog when you don't have time to cook!

So I'll briefly let you know what's been goin on in life...I work, Jon's busy with high school basketball and we evidently haven't been eating! We did have a super bowl party this past weekend which was a great time. I must say, I bit quite a bit of work in it despite being reassured several times that it wasn't my party and I don't have to do anything for it...such is life! The most exciting aspect of the party was my face turning bright red for the majority of it. No, it wasn't from the booze...evidently I had some sort of allergic reaction to something I ate. Fortunately, Benadryl is a miracle drug!

Not much else, here's hoping I improve at my blogging.

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