Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas

After such a great holiday weekend I must admit, I'm a little bummed to be going back to work today. The only cloud to the weekend was my constant fight against the common cold, tis the season. My favorite part of Christmas is without a doubt the wonderful feeling I get knowing how lucky I am to have so much family to spend my holiday with. I've been fortunate to always make it home for the holiday to find the same traditions year after year. That blessing is not lost on me and it is why I look forward to this time of year.

Unfortunately even a big family and lots of holiday cheer can't take the place of the ones who weren't here to celebrate with us. We sure did miss the Lilleys, Kings and Harris family as they all stayed home to celebrate in Charlotte, Atlanta, and Chicago. With them, the holiday would have been perfect!

As for traditions, I think I found a new one for Jon and I. After everyone left Christmas morning, we laid on the couch together in front of the fire, eating skittles (the most amazing stocking stuffer) and watching a movie. Followed by a walk around the neighborhood in the sun! Perfect!

Our Tree, not having dining room furniture has its perks!

My bag of Skittles, Santa did NOT mess around

View from the couch....Perfection

Look!!! Jon DID help with the fire!

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